Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The not-so-sure optimistic

I see day to day like a video. You know the movies they play all the time on tv, it is a really good movie on Friday then by Sunday its a super bore! This is my life in a sense that I am just a re-run of the day before. I get up, get dressed, and go to school. Right now the only thing that is keeping me alive is my boyfriend and well...thats it. He is so optimistic about life and the future that it just pushes me to keep going. I have never had someone in my life till now that told me that I can be something and tomorrow will be better.

This week is like all the others... Homework and tests... I cant wait for spring break! It will be a nice long week of sleep and relaxation. I hope its warm enough and the snow has melted by then! I dont want anymore snow to fall. I dont want more colds nor do I want anymore cold noses! I just want to enjoy tomorrow!

I have been thinking of leaving for a long time and I dont know how to tell my hero... My mother... I feel like I have never in my life pushed myself to do something with my life. I feel like if I left than I would be able to do something for myself, and not have to rely on my mother for everything. Now people who read this... if any, please dont spread the word if you know me... I am just thinking of leaving I have not put anything into motion. If I wanted to leave I still dont know where I would go I just want too. I am going to see if I can plant me feet here for a little bit longer and if not then.. I shall move on elsewhere.

If you dont like swimming in the kiddy pool, give the olympic size a try,
Love y'all
<3 Panders

1 comment:

  1. This shall pass, it has to. You are having weekday in February blahs. It is natural. Hang in there. March will be here before you know, it and then April is right around the corner.

    Hang in there Panders please. :) o.k. Leave on a trip when you have money. :) preferably after Graduation. Travel Europe then. :)
