Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Facebook... you SUCK

When I was in my pre-teens I felt like I was never going to have someone who wanted to love me. I always told my parents that I was never talking to people online, and I was never going on to sites where I was not allowed to go. I was the pre-teen who thought nothing bad was ever going to happen, and if something bad happened I was tough enough to handle it... I never had any self-esteem til I met this person in a christian chat room... He was from a different country and was having a hard time ffinding God. We connected and started a long distance relationship. My mom caught me when I started calling him, and dumb pre-teen me didnt know the phone bill would show where I was calling too, and that the phone bill was $300 more than usual. She called the number I had been dialing and let this person know that I was under age and if he ever did anything she would have the cops all over his ass. I cried and did that whole pre-teen fit and said your ruining my life and so on.. But it didnt stop me.. Now I was living a double life, I never wanted to go out because I had to get to the computer on time to chat with him before he went to bed because of the time difference and so on... I was loosing touch with all my friends, not sharing anything with them because I knew they would make fun of me... As soon as I got to high school though my life suddenly changed... I wasent talking so much to this person online, I knew I was never going to see this person in my entire life and I wanted something better. I met a friend who today is my wonderful boyfriend and he saved my life from everything. I grew up and acted more mature than ever. Then it came time to tell this person who I left in the dust online that I never wanted to speak to him again. That I was going to grow up and stop this online/not safe chatting thing... This person was not having it, he became mad and never talked to me again.. This is what brings me to facebook...

Mind you this happened more than 11-12 years ago, and just up til 4 months ago this person who I had chatted with online made a profile of me on facebook, tried to steal my friends and take over my life...

I no longer have a facebook due to the fact that it is not safe anymore. Not safe for me, my friends, or my family... I wish the people of facebook would get their heads out of their asses and help people who are being attacked on facebook. I wish I never had to get rid of my facebook, but I was NOT going to be stepped on anymore. I never thought my past would come back to bite me in the ass, but it did and I have to deal with it like an adult now, which is very very new to me. I took the precautions once I joined facebook, but there was this person from my past who thought he could take over my name, and my face! And then take my friends... I was being attacked and facebook wouldnt do a damn thing! I hate the fact no matter how many times you or your friends block a person or report a person on facebook... It never gets taken care of! When I went to "deactivate" my account, facebook asked why! I said it was not safe, and they said to adjust my privacy/safety settings... This was damage to my life, and my safety was more than just what can my friends see and not see... I made sure I erased everything about me on facebook, so this person who was trying to be me could not get to my friends. This person was playing a sick game that I didnt want no part of...

In these last couple of years, I have really changed and grown up. I have used facebook to connect with old friends and new ones, not even thinking that someone someday would use information that I have shared against me...

To everyone who reads this, or if you stumble upon this blog just know that anywhere and everywhere you go online, you are not safe... You are not protected when they say you are. Never ever EVER give anything away about yourself. I know I sound like your parent, but trust me I know what it is like. I never listened to my mother, about being safe on the internet when I was younger and now I my past is coming back to haunt me.

I want nothing but safety to everyone, I have had to deal with my past actions, and I am making sure the actions I take today are the safest ones. I hope sharing my story has made it easier for you as parents to really talk to your kids, or as teens to watch what you say or do on the internet. Dont get sucked up into cyber bullying like I did because places like facebook are not going to help you, just like they didnt help me..

And another thing, I know I am not the best when it comes to grammar and punctuation so please excuse all the mistakes in my writing. I was and am more worried about getting my story onto my blog than if I used correct punctuation..

Love and God Bless!!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry "Panders" I had no idea. My privacy is so open it is horrible. Anyone can hack me, but doubt they can spell my name. :)

    Facebook is fun, so if you ever get back on friend me up. I know you have a good head on your shoulders, and consider you a friend. Doesn't matter you are Hailey's friend. I always liked you and still do.

    My grammar probably sucks too. :)
