Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday blues

Just recently I had a friend tell me she was taking a break. I thought this was a huge breakthrough for her! I knew she finally had a chance to start over fresh and get her life on track, without this waste of life holding her back! Now I wouldnt tell her to her face that he was a waste of life, because for some strange reason he makes her super happy. And if she is happy then I am happy. She is like my sister and I couldnt bare to see her down. With this break though I thought she was going to sucess in saving some money and moving out of her parents house. Maybe getting into a school and finally achieving her dreams. She has a big heart and I knew she could achieve greatness! And no longer was this man.. no boy in her life!


 I sent her a text to check up on her after she let me know that she had taken a break from this boy, and already she had said they were back together... *sigh* I couldnt scream and yell and rant because it made her happy that they were back together!!!

To me, I talk to my significant other all the time, about very important things in my life. If we ever had to take a break, it would have to be three weeks to a month. NOT A DAY OR TWO! There is no room for growing and understanding that you, yourself have needs that need to be taken care of just as much as your partner does. I wish that everyone I knew had such a deeper connection like I do with my significant other, but I cant teach all.

Back to my friend, I love her with all my heart and I hope that whatever happens in her life that she is happy. She is the closest person to my heart and I can share everything with her. I hope one day that we both can overcome our boundaries and just live a happy life. I want to be by her side in her wedding and I want her to be right next to me in mine. I want to catch her tears and throw them all away!

Anyway, I just wanted to get it out that I really love her and I hate that she is putting herself thru this either because she cant be alone, or she is scared she will end up alone. She doesnt get it but I go through the same thing all the time. I am still learning that when I wake up the next day I have a man who loves me like crazy and will take care of me forever! I just pray for her that she will find someone that makes her feel like she doesnt have to take a break and will make her feel like when she wakes up in the morning that he will be there for her. She needs a man, not a boy! And a man that is worthy of all her greatness!!


Going to find the perfect laptop today and well.. just stare at it in awe because I only have about 50 dollars saved hahaha. Then going to look for the perfect phone and again just stare because I have NO money for that even... Off to start the day and I leave you with my new fav song for the week!

Love y'all
<3 Panders

1 comment:

  1. Geesh, I think I know someone like that. I wonder if we are thinking of the same person. :)

    Have a good weekend. :)
